Robot AMIGO as Caregiver Assistant (28.05.2019)

The Austrian Media (Kleine Zeitung) reported about on-going progress of the AMIGO project and the start of the main field test with 20 households, focusing on the special capabilities of the robot AMIGO to support persons with dementia.


Robots supporting the Elderly: Mrs. Pepperl and her Pepper (19.05.2019)

The main field test started with a very impressing first participant who was involved in charming communication with the robot and our team. The meeting was published by Austrian Media (Kurier). Three weeks Pepper will stay at Mrs. Pepperl, then he will leave the household. Mrs. Pepperl, 89 years of age, smiling: ‘The you can go on vacation, guy’ (orig. ‘Dann hast Urlaub, mein Bua.’).

Imagine DIGITAL – Connect to Europe with AMIGO (05.12.2018)

ICT 2018 took place in Vienna on 4-6 December 2018. This research and innovation event attracted 4800 visitors and focused on the European Union’s priorities in the digital transformation of society and industry. It presented an opportunity for the people involved in this transformation to share their experience and vision of Europe in the digital age. The AMIGO project was demonstrated live at the AAL exhibition at the centre of the event.

ICT 2018: Imagine Digital – Connect Europe on 4 December 2018. Copyright BKA/Christopher Dunker

AMIGO presented at Conference on Long-Term Care (11.9.2018)

The AMIGO project was presented in the talk ‘A Social Robot for Coaching Multimodal Training of Persons with Dementia’ at the 5th International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-term Care (ILPN 2018). The conference took place at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria, September 2018.

AMIGO presented at Conference on Long-Term Care

Conference Presentation: AMIGO as Coach and Companion (27.06.2018)

Lucas Paletta and Sandra Schüssler presented ‘AMIGO – Towards Social Robot based Motivation for Playful Multimodal Intervention in Dementia’ at the 11th ACM International Conference on PErvasive

Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, PETRA 2018, at Corfu, Greece. The paper is published in ACM press