How AMIGO Pepper Helps Forgetful People in Everyday Life (07.11.2019)

Radio Steiermark broadcasted a contribution about the AMIGO project.

Invited Talk at Italian Conference on Atypical Neurodevelopment (27.09.2019)

Lucas Paletta presented an invited talk “Dementia Treatment with Multimodal and Playful Approaches based on Executive Functions “ including a presentation of the AMIGO project at the 2nd Italian Conference on Atypical Neurodevelopment, ICAN 2019, Naples, Italy.


Invited Talk at International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (25.09.2019)

Invited talk given by Lucas Paletta about “Attention Measurement Technologies for Situation Awareness and Motivation in Human-Robot Collaboration”, including a presentation of the key concept of the AMIGO project, in the Tutorial “Adaptive Vision for Human Robot Collaboration“. This symposium took place as satellite event of the 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Motivation with the Small Robot (24.08.2019)

Technology and Nursing Science join together for the AMIGO project as presented by the Austrian Media (Die Presse) anticipating the breakout session about the AMIGHO project at the Forum Alpbach 2019.


AMIGO presented at Alpbach AAL Innovation Lab (20.08.2019)

The AMIGO project took part in the highly frequented AAL Innovation Lab (coordinate by PHILIPS Austria) of the Alpbach Forum 2019.

AMIGO presented at Alpbach Forum 2019 in breakout session (19.08.2019)

Lucas Paletta (Joanneum Research DIGITAL) was a speaker in the Alpbach Forum 2019 breakout session ‘Mental and psychological disorders: New ideas for more inclusion’ and presented the Project ‘Social Assisted Robotics with Dialogue-Based Coaching for Motivation and Assessment of training activities for people with dementia (AMIGO)’. Pepper, a social assistance robot, motivates people with dementia to play and learn in a playful and fun way multimodal training. The persons concerned are accompanied in an entertaining way while the AMIGO robot is acting as a ‘Companion’ and ‘Coach’ to stimulate to become active and to enter into interpersonal interaction.

Book Chapter about AMIGO Project (02.07.2019)

The AMIGO project concept and first results are now published in the book ‘Social Robots: Technological, Societal and Ethical Aspects of Human-Robot Interaction’, edited by Oliver Korn, with the Chapter ‘AMIGO—A Socially Assistive Robot for Coaching Multimodal Training of Persons with Dementia’, authored by Lucas Paletta, Sandra Schüssler, Julia Zuschnegg, Josef Steiner, Sandra Pansy-Resch, Lara Lammer, Dimitrios Prodromou, Sebastian Brunsch, Gerald Lodron, and Maria Fellner.

Open Access Journal Paper about the AMIGO Intervention Study (02.07.2019)

The journal article “The Effects of a Humanoid Socially Assistive Robot Versus Tablet Training on Psychosocial and Physical Outcomes of Persons With Dementia: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study“ authored by Sandra Schüssler et al. is published in the Open Access Journal JMIR Research Protocols. It describes the AMIGO main field study as a nonpharmacological intervention, including cognitive and physical training by a robot, a study which will help to further refine SAR (socially assistive robots) for the specific needs of people with dementia living at home.

Presentation at Styrian Stakeholder Conference (05.06.2019)

The 8th Pfingstdialog 2019 „The Digital Europe. No borders, no limits?“ took place from June 2019 at Seggau Castle, focused on the crucial questions about Europe’s future at the beginning of the digital age. The AMIGO project was present with its entertaining Pepper robot, its experts and participating in the Bioethical Workshop.


Pepper, the Nursing Robot – the Future in Geriatric Care? (03.06.2019)

The Austrian Media (Die Furche) posted a video about AMIGO. “Artificial intelligence is now shaping our lives. How will technology in the health sector evolve? Will robots one day care for us? To find out, Matteo Eichhorn and Niko Zoltan have visited the AMIGO project with Pepper, the nursing robot. The video reportage was developed within the framework of a Styria Media Group AG focus on Artificial Intelligence and Ethics together with Kleine Zeitung and Die Presse.

